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    This Project is Funded by First 5 LA

    Children's Health and Maintenance Program (C.H.A.M.P.) Health Care Professionals

    This page contains links to scientific and evidence based practices information about oral health promotion among children and their families.

    Fluoride and Caries Prevention

    How to apply SDF


    Topical Fluoride for Caries Prevention

    Only 2.26% fluoride varnish is recommended for children younger than six-years old. A panel of experts presented evidence-based clinical recommendations on professionally-applied, prescription-strength, and home-use topical fluoride agents for caries prevention.

    American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs 



    Water Fluoridation

    Fluoridation of community water supplies is the single most effective public health measure to prevent dental decay. Fluoridation Facts By American Dental Association contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding community water fluoridation.  Fluoridation Facts contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding community water fluoridation.

    American Dental Association 



    Prescription of Fluoride Supplements

    Clinicians should judiciously prescribe fluoride supplements after consideration of the child’s total fluoride intake. In 2011, the ADA made evidence-based clinical recommendations on the prescription of dietary fluoride supplements for caries prevention.
    American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs



    Use of Fluoridated Toothpaste among Children

    Parents should brush their children’s teeth with fluoridated toothpaste as soon as the first tooth comes in. The new 2014 ADA guideline expands on the use of fluoridated toothpaste for young children.
    American Dental Association

    Reconstituted Infant Formula and Enamel Fluorosis

    Does fluoride from reconstituted infant formula add to the chance of developing fluorosis?

    American Dental Association



    Fluoride Research and Fluoridation Studies

    Reputable health and research organizations, such a the National Cancer Institute and the CDC, share their findings on community water fluoridation.

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    Non-Fluoride Caries Prevention

    Non-Fluoride Caries Prevention

    Non-fluoride agents may serve as adjunctive therapeutics for preventing, arresting or even reversing dental caries. These agents include, but are not limited to, sucrose-free polyol chewing gums, xylitol dentifrices, chlorhexidine alone or in combination with thymol, calcium-containing agents, phosphate-containing agents, casein derivatives, sialogogues, iodine, and triclosan.
    American Dental Association Center for Evidence Based Dentistry

    Early Childhood Caries Resource Center

    A centralized clearing house with cutting-edge information about early childhood caries with the goal of promoting collaborative strategies that help eradicate this most common disease of childhood.

    Elsevier, Inc.


    Prenatal Oral Health Care

    Safety of Dental Care during Pregnancy

    There is no evidence relating early spontaneous abortion to first trimester oral health care or dental procedures.
    Evidence Based Guidelines by the California Dental Association Foundation



    Oral Health Care Integral to Prenatal Care

    Oral health education and access to prevention and treatment services are essential for the overall health of pregnant women and their babies.
    A Brief by the Center for Oral Health



    Oral Health Care during Pregnancy

    Health professionals need to ensure that pregnant women receive proper and needed oral health care.
    National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University



    Oral Health Education Materials

    Help Families Make Healthy Choices

    Access these free educational materials for your community outreach efforts. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 

    Pediatric Oral Health Education Materials

    Provide families with important information about children’s oral health.

    American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

    Inter-Professional Oral Health Education

    National Inter-Professional Initiative on Oral Health (NIIOH)

    Join this consortium of funders and health professionals whose vision is to eradicate dental disease. The NIIOH is a systems-change initiative focused on the education and training systems that support primary care clinicians from various disciplines. NIIOH

    Oral Health Training for Pediatricians

    An online training to connect dentists and pediatricians, and help them work as a team.
    American Academy of Pediatrics


    Cultural Competency for Oral Health Professionals

    The need for culturally competent oral health professionals is growing. Think Cultural Health provides basic knowledge and skills related to cultural and linguistic competency.
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health


    Healthy Eating

    ChooseMyPlate provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators and the food industry about how to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.
    U.S. Department of Agriculture



    Teething is normal part of childhood that can be treated without prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications. The FDA published a warning for parents on these medications. U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    Amalgam Fillings

    The ADA has an updated list of findings on the effects of amalgam on people, and have concluded that they are safe.

    American Dental Association


    Let’s make the next generation Tobacco-Free

    The 50th anniversary Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health: Let’s make the next generation Tobacco-Free. Read more:


    California Oral Health Plan

    California oral health plan 2018-2028.



    Epidemiology and Public Health Data Source

    Oral Health Baseline Needs Assessment of Disadvantaged Children

    The 2010 First 5 LA Report in LA County 2010: 44% of disadvantaged children in Los Angeles County have frank dental cavities and another 29% have only early evidence of dental caries (white spot lesions).

    First 5 LA





    LA County Public Health Resources and Information on Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health “MCAH”
    Read More